NEW: Multi-model (Claude 3) and Google Maps - PLUS Creators of the Week

the create logo
March 19 2024

Hey Creators,

Welcome to this week's updates on the inner workings of Create, the easiest way to code in natural language™️. Some exciting new stuff, but I thought you'd want to see what this intrepid writer looks like, to really put a face to the name:

Using humorous language, AI created an image of the writer.
Here we see the importance of detail in your spec...

I'll also be guesting on our Twitter so make sure to give us a follow for little amuse-bouches of content.


A Calvin and Hobbes comic where Calvin screams about his significance to the stars
Live look at moi.

Don't be like me, don't scream into the void. Join our Discord and let us know what new features you want to see. In the meantime, check out some changes we've already implemented--


GPT-4 is great, but it's just one in an ever expanding series of models.

A chart displaying the power of Opus in reference to other LLMs
Not an ad for Opus, but dang this thing is strong.

Upgrade to Pro for just $19/month and get access to a full suite of LLMs:

  • Anthropic Opus
  • GPT-4
  • Google Gemini (coming soon!)
  • Groq

You not only have access to them, but in Pro, Create will generate multiple versions for each iteration. That means you finish faster and get better results.

Each version could have different functionality and design, so this allows you to pick and choose what you like best. Maybe you like Opus's page layout but prefer the language choice of Groq. With Pro, it's all at your fingertips.

Different models creating different versions off the same prompt
Which one are you going with?

Considering that Opus by itself is $15/month, this is a h*lluva deal. I'm in LA, so that's one filthy dirty chai latte with oat milk (I have a sensitive tummy ok). If you're in San Francisco, it's one order of Pork Dumplings at Yank Sing.

So make like Bronny and go Pro.


Our amazing devs over here at HQ are always innovating.

A man uses gesture technology to manipulate a computer screen in Minority Report
How I picture Marcus and Meron working on Create.

And we've got a brand new Integration this week:


The poster for the ABC show Lost, with many people in front of an island
Again, me, all the time.

Now you can build apps using Google Maps, my most used app. I lose my car in the parking lot. I get lost walking from my car to the restaurant. I literally have to work from home or I would be late to work every day.

Want to embed a map directly into your app? Boom.

A sample integration of Google Maps, with a contact page and a map of New York
Please ignore the fact that no devs work in Central Park.

Want maps backgrounds? Now you got em. Want to create an events page with a map showing exactly where you plan to wow everyone with your latest creation? Easy.

Designing an itinerary page for your mother-in-law's visit? You can generate a list of top locations for a city and then plot those on a map (unfortunately can't guarantee she'll be grateful enough to love you).


At Create, we understand that sometimes you need a little help.

OK, sometimes you need a lot of help.

That's why we've begun integrating design libraries like Chakra. Our AI is able to pull predesigned, sleek components ready to go, for everything from Banners to Footers to Checkout Pages. With just the addition of /[Chakra], you can take your design from baby deer on a frozen pond to design school maverick with a summer house in France.

These elements can transform your page or component, but can also be just a starting point. You can still customize as much as you want. So whether you're new to design or need to focus your brain space elsewhere, you're going to end up with a better product.

Be on the lookout for future Integrations of other common libraries. Wanna find out first? Join us on Discord.


Puppies, morning light, and when someone else pays the tab. These are all things we love. Here's one more:

User @bubblesorttest posted about the new Devin (the Developer) prototype, an AI Software Engineer. The demo is pretty rad. In fact, it's pretty similar to a former iteration of Create.

As co-founder Marcus pointed out:

We tried the agent approach earlier and it felt further away from being robust enough to provide value in the short term so we went away from it.

We love you all bringing things to our attention over at our Discord. Who knows, we might bring back our agent 😏.


Unfortunately, not everything can be as good as the feeling of closing your laptop on a Friday (and then opening back up your laptop 15 minutes later to do what you ACTUALLY want to do):

We're human, and that means, sometimes, we get it wrong. It can be harmless, like when we forget to call our dads on their birthdays.

Or it can wreak havoc, and we can be super proud of it.

We were so young and naive.

We thought live builds were the way to go.

Discord messages about how live build was an issue
You guys let us know this was a bad idea...

We were wrong. We're not too big to admit it. So introducing...

refresh and generate buttons
Generation Control. Sounds like a grunge band. Operates like a dream.

Back in the olden days, as you typed your spec, Create would build. It was flashy, but it often meant it would generate before you were ready. Now you're in complete control. Get your spec just right, then hit command - enter to Generate. (Or, if you're less of a #keyboardking, you can click the button).

The Generate command takes your existing spec and adds whatever new details you've added since the last Generate. If you don't add anything, it will just do it more, since it's still going to rerun it through whatever LLM you're working with.

If your spec just isn't working, you can also press the refresh button next to Generate to re-run your model (or command - shift - enter).

a man hits his flaming computer with a hammer
Just start over, to keep you from doing this...


Sliced bread in the sky with a halo like light
Actually the worst invention ever. Don't eat preservatives, ya'll.

This week's apps are all about vision -> form. Not that Vision. This Vision.

Rate Card by @dolej65528

a screenshot of a pricing tier for a service
Making it easier for you and your team to pay those SF rents.

Pixel Draw by @Trisvik

the letter c built from box pixels
Hang it in the Louvre. Or at least SF MOMA

Vision Picture to Form by @jowife2685

a customer feedback form
From ugly losable paper to forever online information.

Think you made the next great thing? Just really excited that you typed words and what came out wasn't gibberish? Submit your app by emailing


Signing off because I'm really trying to get my screen time under 5 hours a week (my therapist insists this will be good for my "mental health", bah).

Remember, if it's rumbling around in your head...

Just Create It!

-Jeremy, Dhruv, Zaria, Marcus, James, and Meron