Add beautiful stock photo and videos
Pexels lets you find and use beautiful stock photos and videos in your project.
Create Account
Sign up for a Pexels account
Get API Key
Generate your Pexels API key
Copy into Create
Add your API key to Create’s secrets
Account Creation
Visit Pexels Website
Go to and click “Join” in the top right corner
Choose Signup Method
- Sign up with email/password
- Or continue with Google authentication
Generate API Key
Access Account Settings
- Click the three-dot menu next to your profile avatar
- Select “Images & Video API” from the dropdown
Create New Token
- Click “Your API Key” button
- Generate new token for Create integration
Copy Your Token
- Copy the generated API key
- You can find this key again from your Pexels dashboard
Add to Create Project
Add the integration
- In your Create project, type
in the chat - Select “Pexels” from the menu and send a messsage
Add your API key
- Paste your Pexels API key into the “Pexels API Key” field
Need a new key? Contact Pexels support.
Use it
You can now use prompts with the integration to add stock photos.
Some examples:
Make the homepage banner a video of a retailer with /Pexels
Find me a video of a dog playing fetch with /Pexels and add it
Make a gallery of product images with /Pexels
Pexels content is dynamically generated - save image URLs to your database or component state to persist them between sessions.
Example prompt for saving:
Your Pexels integration is now ready! Use the /Pexels
command in chat to add stock photos.
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